RPE “MITEK” LLC address: Ukraine, 54018, Mykolaivska oblast, Mykolaiv, Dmytra Yavornytskoho str., 24A
tel/fax: +38 (0512) 44-95-48
tel.: +38 (0512) 44-61-85
fax: +38 (067) 441-55-16
e-mail: info@mitek.com.ua
GPS coordinates 46°93’89” N.lat, 32°06’66” E.long.
Director Oleh Matviienko
Chief engineer Sergii Bortkevych
Chief Accountant Iryna Yurchenko
Deputy Director Volodymyr Matviienko
Head of production Ivan Shtompel

Driving directions

Regional representatives

Oy Nord Hyforce Systems Ltd
Finland, 48100, Kotka, Korkeavuorenkatu 2-4
tel: (+358) 19 515507, fax: (+358) 20 7818145
e-mail: info@nordhyforce.com
Chairman of the Board of Directors Andrey Makarov

Slovakian enterprise “ZKM Group” s.r.o.
04001, Košice, Kováčska 46.
tel/fax: (+421)556221535,(+421) 915 908 453
site: www.zkmgroup.sk
Director Milan Zakutiansky

Dr. B V Baskaran., Ph.D.
Viber/WhatsApp/Telegram: +919443495455
e-mail: ,

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